Thanksgiving... So Thanksgiving was at my sisters house in Salem. We stopped by Ryan's Aunts house on our way up to Salem to visit for a little bit then we headed up to Salem. Thanksgiving just didn't feel the same this year... I guess it was probably because we were missing some family members (Thomas, Samantha, and the babes), nevertheless we had a good time visiting with family. Here are some pictures:
This Christmas was Desmond's first, I think he had fun opening presents, I think he enjoyed eating the paper more than anything else. My parents came over to visit for a couple days and they got to enjoy Desmond's first Christmas with us. I hosted a small gathering for a dinner, most of the family showed up and Ryan's parents were able to come too, it was a fun day. I'm glad Desmond got to spend Christmas with both Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and little cousin Kimber. The day after Christmas we went to my Grandma's for a family gathering.

On other news, Desmond is now crawling like CRAZY and love to get into everything. If there is a cat down the hall he is off, and he can crawl FAST!! He also has his first two teeth coming in. Teething is no fun for all of us, Desmond is in pain and mommy doesn't get too much sleep because of it. Other than that though he is a pretty happy and easy going kid.
Lastly on the Winklepleck news, I started working again, I was able to go back to my old job. I am working full time, it's hard being way from Des that long but it is also very nice to have adult conversation during the day. I am also very blessed to have Grandpa and Grandma Winklepleck watching Des during the day, they are great!! and Desmond loves hanging out with them. I love the end of the day because it is great to come home and have a very excited and happy baby that wants to cuddle and give me hugs.
I almost forgot.... My awesome Husband got me a ticket for me and Des to fly over to Idaho for my birthday to visit my parents and go on a day fishing trip with my dad while my mom spends the day with her grandson. I am SOOO EXCITED! Alright I am sure I will have more things to talk about another time, that is if I actually remember to blog. BYE!