I think Des is going to be a big flirt, he smiled at the nurse and she thought it was SO adorable. I am going to have to teach him while he's young about his flirting. :)
We decided to get him fully vaccinated, I knew before I got pregnant that I would get my children fully vaccinated. I am not going to go into details on my reasoning because there is such big controversy with parents when it comes to vaccinations. I just see it as it being each persons own choice, parents should do what makes them comfortable. Anyways Des was a brave boy, he only cried for a minute and then he was fine about it and took a short nap on the ride home. Here are some pictures of before he knew what was coming and after the evil nurse poked him with a sharp object in his legs.

The night of his check up he went 9 hours between meals and slept for 7 of those 9. SEVEN!!! WAHOO for mom. It was nice to have 7 full hours, although I kept waking up because it is unusual for him to go that long, but he got up at 4 am ate and then slept two more hours.
Last night was the first night he slept in his bassinet beside the bed and not in the bed with me; It took a lot of will power for me to not pick him up and have him sleep next to me, he of course had no problem with it. He slept 5 hours straight in it and woke up ate and slept another 3, after that I decided I needed him to sleep in the bed. So we cuddled for two hours and then he decided it was time to get up, you know 6:45 am is sleeping in for him. :)
Next goal, sleeping in his own crib, but I think I am going to have to wait a couple weeks until I am comfortable with that.