Sunday, June 1, 2008

What's up internets, what's up...

Jump on it: After such a busy weekend, I have become quite bored during the time I haven't been busy, a.k.a. now. Once you get used to doing something most of the time, it's hard to just do nothing (not the case when you get used to doing nothing, then it's hard NOT to do something). I decided I would harness my boredom for the sake of our blog, which would be voted most-likely-not-to-post in a yearbook.

First, let me bring you up to date:
- Jaimie gave our 30-day notice and we will be out on the streets* at the end of this month.
- Entering dead week (figuratively speaking) and trying to believe that graduation is about 2 weeks away.
- Jaimie and I are applying and praying for jobs (not necessarily in that order) primarily in Corvallis and surrounding areas since we will be out of ours around mid-June.
- Speaking of June, Jaimie and I will be celebrating a year of her putting up with me on the 22nd!
- If this is June, I'm afraid to see what awaits us in July...
*un(til/less) we find a new place

Now that you've been given the recap, I'm at a loss of words on what to scribble about. Especially since this past weekend was spent with many of our fellow readers (hint: retreating). Since there is still no Jr. Wink, although anonymous will surely say otherwise, I can't offer any updates on that front. I Haven't been to a movie since Indy IV and I made the rounds on reviewing that one. I've been squeezing in the occasional game here and there (finally hitting Hard on Rock band). Lastly and as many are surely aware, the television season in nearing an end (and how about that great Lost finale?) while the sun's breaking out on these 70-degree-and-overcast days. Until next time, let's hope for something new and exciting by the next post (finding a place to move, graduating finally, getting a job, or just doing something exciting) and I'll see you on the other side, preferably with David Gray.


Anonymous said...

Love that you finally posted...keep it up!

Anonymous said...

welcome home...

Samantha said...

why are you moving out? what if you get a great job in Corvallis?and did you put in your two weeks at your current job too? I don't get it.

The Winkleplecks said...

Thank you Abby, I'll try!

Anonymous, it's good to be back - I'll try to stay around this time.

Samantha, great questions and speaking of answers:

Jaimie would be better suited for the moving out question, so I'll let her take that one sometime - I just cheerlead from the sidelines (also figuratively speaking).

As for my job, since it's a student job and after graduation I will no longer be a student - I will be ineligible for the position. It's possible I may be able to squeeze in some more time there before it's figured out, but I rather hop aboard the career train. As for moving, I'm pretty sure it will be to another place in Corvallis - I've been trying to get a great job here (currently have 5-10 applications floating around at any given time as new ones become available and I get rejected/considered for others). Got a few at OSU actually, pray for those ones most of all - I know I am.

Samantha said...

cool!! Ill talk to Jaimie about the moving out thing. :) I didn't know that your job was for students only.. I guess that makes sense that you'd have to leave then! Which is a bummer! But hoping aboard the career train is exciting.. you'll both get great jobs when the time is right, good luck guys!

Unknown said...

Sounds nice Wink...hope it all works out!