Sunday, August 19, 2007

Camping, Episode II - The Three Sisters...

ArrrrrrrraaagggghhhhhhhlllI hope that picture of Chewbacca (Chewie) didn't scare you away. He's pretty fierce and we all know that it's not wise to upset a wookie.

Continuing on our journey, we find our protagonists beginning their trek over 4 miles of wilderness trails in a hike to save the world! Maybe "save" the world is a little over the top, let's go with "see" the world instead. Early on, such obstacles (or sights) such as 'huge boulders' were encountered!

Hercules, Hercules, HerculesNoah the Strong used his burliness and freakishly ginormous muscles to overcome such boulders...

Would you like fries with that? addition to his smile with extra cheese.

Sha-wingMeanwhile, Jaimie Solo and Chewie used their charm and good looks...

Aguaous Cylindricalus...did I mention good looks? Also notice the extremly rare water bottle flower growing at the bottom right (almost as rare as finding a money tree).

ewwThe worst obstacle of all was faced by Ryan the Immature. This obstacle is indescribable by this author, but offer your best attempts at describing it in the comments. Unfortunately, Jaimie felt the effects of said object...

Side effects are temporary......effects that words can also not describe nor explain.

Another nerdy referenceScenic Intermission - Check out the beards on these tree's!

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