After much anticipation I am finally going to post on our blog. I am done with my internship at Kid Spirit so I will have a lot of time on my hands. Other good news that many of you may have already heard is that I got a promotion at TOGO's, very exciting! I am now a shift manager. This will be all for today, I will try not to leave all the posting to Ryan, all though I do believe that he is much better at posting and writing than I am. Unit next time, bye bye!
yay Jaimie! So cool that your done with kidspirit.. now we can hang out more, or something. love ya!
FINALLY! put ryan to shame...
yeeeeeah for jaimie's blogs!
Jamie - Yea for first blog and work promotion! Nice work.
Ryan - Here's the thing, I love
"it's Pat" probably more then most people. Maybe I'm thinking now that it's not a bad thing to name to name the baby after Pat, as a ode to androgeny and all.
are you sure we should wake up tomorrow at 5:30am?? I'm regretting it already.. guess I should go to bed now.
hey neighbor, we should have another BBQ, you know to celebrate KidSpirit being over and your promotion.
Богу угодно качество нашего труда, а не его количество. Каждое дело требует завершения, а любое безделье не должно быть начато. Без дело оставшегося человека, хотя и всем обеспеченного, обязательно ждет вырождение. Трудоголик устаёт от безделья больше, чем бездельник от работы. Душа ленивого желает, но тщетно. только творя мы можем почувствовать все то счастье, которое дает свободный труд! Работа - это главное в жизни. Только два стимула заставляют работать людей: жажда заработной платы и боязнь ее потерять.
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